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A Details Wellness Wheel Worksheet- Enhancing and Reset Your Life

The origins of the wellness wheel can be traced back to ancient Eastern practices such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. These practices recognized the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit and sought to promote balance and harmony in all areas of life.

In the West, the wellness wheel gained popularity in the 1970s as part of the holistic health movement.

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As we navigate through life, we can easily lose track of our well-being, especially in times of stress and uncertainty. To ensure that we are living our best lives, it is important to pay attention to all aspects of our health and wellness.

The problem is that occasionally we believe a significant change is necessary to make life more exciting, but in reality, just a few minor adjustments are required. In nutshell, we have a strong desire to restart our lives.

We need to assess where we are now and the modifications we can make before pressing the reset button. The Wellness Wheel exercise is a quick and easy technique to achieve this. Let’s explore what the Wellness Wheel Exercise is, how it works, and how it can help you hit the reset button on your life.

What is the Wellness Wheel Exercise?

The Wellness Wheel Exercise is a self-assessment tool that evaluates seven or arguably eight different aspects of our well-being, including physical, emotional, social, intellectual, occupational, environmental, spiritual, and financial wellness. By taking a holistic approach, this exercise helps us identify areas that may need improvement and develop a plan to enhance our overall well-being.

Childhood - Wellness Wheel

The concept of the wellness wheel has been around for centuries, with roots in ancient healing traditions such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. In the 1950s, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the importance of a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, leading to the development of the concept of wellness as we know it today.

The Dimensions of Wellness Wheel

These dimensions are essential to achieving optimal health and well-being, and by understanding and balancing each dimension, we can lead a fulfilling and satisfying life.

Physical Wellness:

The Foundation Of Your Well-Being

This dimension refers to taking care of our bodies through exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest.

Emotional Wellness:

Nurturing Your Inner Self

This dimension involves understanding and managing our emotions, practising self-care, and developing resilience.

Social Wellness:

Building Meaningful Connections

This dimension focuses on building positive relationships, connecting with others, and contributing to the community.

Welness Wheel Trans

Intellectual Wellness:

Cultivating Your Curiosity

This dimension involves continuous learning, critical thinking, and creative expression.

Spiritual Wellness:

Prioritize Your Inner Health

This dimension includes finding meaning and purpose, connecting with a higher power, and developing inner peace.

Occupational Wellness:

Your Satisfaction Door

This dimension involves finding fulfilment and satisfaction in our work, managing stress, and achieving work-life balance.

Environmental Wellness:

Engaging Sort of Activities

This dimension involves creating a safe and healthy living and working environment and promoting sustainability.

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Financial Wellness:

Support Your Needs

This dimension involves managing our finances, setting goals, and creating a sense of financial security.

How to Use the Wellness Wheel

Using a wellness wheel is easy and can be done in a few simple steps:

Evaluate each section of the wheel:

Start by evaluating each section of the wheel and rate your current level of satisfaction in that area. This will help you identify which areas of your life need more attention and improvement.

Set realistic goals:

Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, set realistic goals for yourself. For example, if you feel that your social life is lacking, make a goal to attend at least one social event per week.

Reset of Life

Take action:

After setting your goals, take action towards achieving them. This can involve making changes to your daily routine or seeking help from others, such as a therapist or coach.

Monitor your progress:

Keep track of your progress and celebrate your achievements along the way. This will help you stay motivated and continue working towards a more balanced life.

Benefit of using the wellness wheel

Using a wellness wheel can have many benefits, including:

Increased self-awareness:

By evaluating each section of the wellness wheel, you can gain a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.

Improved well-being:

By achieving a balance between all the dimensions of wellness, you can improve your overall well-being and quality of life.

Increased motivation:

By setting goals and monitoring your progress, you can stay motivated and continue working towards a more balanced life.

Tips for Improving Your Wellness Wheel

Improving your wellness wheel is a continuous process that requires intentional effort and commitment. Here are some tips and strategies for improving each dimension of wellness:

Physical wellness:

To improve physical wellness, aim to exercise regularly, eat a healthy and balanced diet, get enough sleep, and avoid harmful habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

Emotional wellness:

To improve emotional wellness, practice self-care, engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, seek support from loved ones or a mental health professional, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Social wellness:

To improve social wellness, build positive relationships, connect with others through shared interests or hobbies, and contribute to your community through volunteer work or activism.

Intellectual wellness:

To improve intellectual wellness, engage in lifelong learning, read books or articles, take courses, attend lectures or workshops, and participate in mentally stimulating activities.

Spiritual wellness:

To improve spiritual wellness, practice mindfulness, meditation, or prayer, connect with nature, engage in meaningful activities that align with your values and beliefs, and develop a sense of purpose or meaning in your life.

Occupational wellness:

To improve occupational wellness, find a career or job that aligns with your values and interests, develop healthy work habits, establish boundaries between work and personal life, and seek opportunities for growth and development.

Environmental wellness:

To improve environmental wellness, reduce your environmental impact, create a safe and healthy living and working environment, and promote sustainability through actions like recycling, reducing waste, or conserving energy.

Financial wellness:

To improve financial wellness, develop a budget, reduce debt, save for the future, and seek professional financial advice if needed.

Common Obstacles to Wellness and How to Overcome Them

While improving one’s wellness wheel is important, it can also be challenging due to various obstacles that can get in the way. Here are some common obstacles to wellness and strategies for overcoming them:


Stress is a common obstacle to wellness that can impact every dimension of wellness. To overcome stress, try practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional.

Lack of time:

A lack of time can be a significant obstacle to wellness, making it difficult to prioritize self-care. To overcome this, try setting small achievable goals, such as taking a short walk during lunch breaks or doing a quick meditation session before bed. Also, consider delegating or outsourcing tasks to free up more time.

Financial constraints:

Financial stress can significantly impact one’s overall wellbeing. To overcome financial constraints, try creating a budget, seeking financial advice from a professional, and finding ways to save money, such as by reducing unnecessary expenses or seeking out discounts and deals.

Lack of motivation:

A lack of motivation can make it difficult to make progress towards improving wellness. To overcome this, try setting small, achievable goals, rewarding yourself for accomplishments, and finding an accountability partner or support group.

Negative self-talk:

Negative self-talk can be a significant obstacle to wellness, leading to feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem. To overcome this, try practicing positive self-talk, challenging negative thoughts, and seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional.

How to Maintain a Balanced Wellness Wheel Over Time

Maintaining a balanced wellness wheel over time is crucial for achieving optimal health and well-being. While it can be challenging to make and sustain healthy lifestyle changes, there are strategies individuals can use to maintain a balanced wellness wheel over time.

Here are some strategies for maintaining a balanced wellness wheel over time:

Set realistic goals:

Setting realistic goals that are achievable over time is an important first step in maintaining a balanced wellness wheel. Start with small, achievable goals and gradually build on them over time.

Practice self-care regularly:

Self-care practices like meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature can help individuals maintain a balanced wellness wheel. Schedule time for self-care regularly and prioritize it in your daily routine.

Stay connected with friends and family:

Social connections are an important component of wellness. Stay connected with friends and family through regular communication and in-person interactions when possible.

Engage in regular physical activity:

Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a balanced wellness wheel. Find an exercise routine that works for you and make it a regular part of your routine.

Practice healthy eating habits:

Eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining physical health and emotional well-being. Aim to eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods and limit processed and high-fat foods.

Get enough sleep:

Sleep is crucial for maintaining physical and emotional health. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night and practice good sleep hygiene habits like avoiding screens before bedtime.

Seek support when needed:

Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional when needed can help individuals maintain a balanced wellness wheel over time.

The Wellness Wheel Exercise is an effective way to reset your life and achieve balance in all areas of your life. By using the wellness wheel as a guide, you can assess your life and make necessary changes to improve your overall well-being. Remember to focus on all areas of the wheel, including physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, and occupational. By doing so, you can achieve a well-rounded and fulfilling life.


Is the wellness wheel a new concept?

No, the wellness wheel has been around for centuries in various forms. It gained popularity in the West in the 1970s as part of the holistic health movement.

Do I need to focus on all aspects of the wellness wheel?

Yes, to experience true balance and wellness in life by resetting it-focus on all areas of the wheel.

How can I incorporate the Wellness Wheel Exercise into my daily routine?

To incorporate the Wellness Wheel Exercise into your daily routine, you can set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate your successes along the way.

Why is it important to focus on all aspects of wellness?

Focusing on all aspects of wellness is important because neglecting any one area can affect your overall well-being. Achieving balance and harmony in all areas of your life can help you live a fulfilling life where you are at your best physically, mentally, and emotionally.